Friday, June 14, 2024

TMCC: after assault -- Assaulter, Marty Belcher (silver Toyota Prius), monk (TMCC operations)

After asssault, the assaulter (TMCC volunteer, wearing hat & in Khaki fatigues) continued to talk to monk (TMCC Operations). The monk showed no sign of remorse, for his volunteer's ASSAULT on me!

Now, the gift shop cashier (Marty Belcher) came out, got into Toyota Prius. When I mentioned assault to Marty, he "brushed me off"

Strange, since Marty & I had good lengthy conversation, I even have 2 video interviews w/him. It seems as if "tribalism" (aka Politics) has intervened, & ASSAULT on me is being COVERED UP!!

^^^ the monk did NOT seem to be upset at the volunteer's ASSAULT on me!

SERIOUSLY..a peace-loving monk tolerates a violent Thug/Punk volunteer??

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