Friday, June 14, 2024

ASSAULT on me by *unidentified* male (khaki fatigues, hat)

I was asssaulted by this *un-identified* male -- khaki fatigues w/hat

I REPEATEDLY asked for his name, employee ID #, reason for his harassment (aggressive nature)

In order, to file a formal *written* complaint to TMCC

I had no resort but to get PICTURE of him, so he could be *identified* by TMCC staff. Then, I file a written complaint with this picture.

He IMMEDIATELY *attacked* me, grabbing my left fore-arm! This was WITNESSED by the monk (TMCC operations), who did NOT intervene & try to stop his volunteer (NOT employee) from this assault! I.e., he was an *accessory* to this assault

Afterwards, this *un-identified* assaulter got RIGHT IN MY FACE, shouting at me:


when I told him "You ASSAULTED me!". This continued on-and-on, NEVER was able to get his name. Nor, did the monk step-in & give me his name!

He later SHOUTED at me *repeatedly*

"if you take my picture again, I WILL BREAK YOUR ARM!"

^^^ I was TRULY scared of this guy. He needs to be FIRED IMMEDIATELY by TMCC

Plus, taken to jail by Monroe County Sheriff Dept. The monk was a WITNESS to him ASSAULTING me, my photo is pretty incriminating -- he was LUNGING at me!

Plus, the surveillance videos will reveal the ugly details of the ASSAULT.

Finally, Marty Belcher (Gift Shop cashier) came out, who I had be-friended. We had long/rich discussion, incl 2 video interviews. Marty had given me a bottle of water, when I said I was thirsty. Also, he gave me a book "Gaia"

 after I had mentioned my project with IFA (Indiana Forest Alliance):

Steven Stewart (IFA "Federal Director")

Just like that, Marty "spurned me" (didn't support me), after the *unidentifed* male ASSAULTED me!

I.e., a COVER UP!

^^^ Marty is on the left, next to his Toyota Prius. The *unidentified* assaulter is walking towards Marty, planning the "cover up"

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