Friday, June 14, 2024

SUMMARY: Monk finally came to right conclusion -- MISUNDERSTANDING

 The monk (MTCC) initially approached me saying

"there was complaint about me, & wanted me to leave"

I told him that he needed to IDENTIFY the complainer, & WHAT the complaint was..

^^^ This is Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), to prevent abuse by anonymous-complainers (who fabricate LIES to harass people)

I REPEATEDLY asked the monk to do this. He FINALLY revealed that it was a woman who complained!

I had 2 interactions with women, attending the Michael Verde led group:

"talking to people w/Dementia"

in the Library (next to Gift Shop):

I queried both on the *identity* of the group leader. 1 of them told me "Michael Verde", she also gave me her name (who she said her website can be found with Google Search). Another woman was queried in same manner

^^^ LOOK -- the WHOLE THING could have been avoided if the woman complainer approached ME with her "issue with me". Could have been settled amicably. Just "work it out" person-to-person. Duh -- COMMON SENSE!

Instead, she decided to go "over my head", with the Monk "taking her word" -- in the end he REALIZED it was all BOGUS -- a MISUNDERSTANDING! Look at previous posts, I OBVIOUSLY went to TMCC to do *research* for my project with IFA (Indiana Forest Alliance), with Steven Stewart (IFA "Federal Director") & Dex Conaway (IFA "State Director"). After our lunch at Siam (local Thai restaurant), I came back for a (less-rushed) thorough tour of TMCC, than what I had in the morning..

I DO have a problem with the monk -- NOT only did he *resist* ID'ing the female complainer. But, he WITNESSED the *clear* assault on me by his VOLUNTEER

[ NOT employee, which are trained PROFESSIONALLY. Esp, NOT to act violently to clients/customers ]

I NEVER saw the monk admonish the assaulter!

In addition, the *assaulter* FALSELY CLAIMED that he asked me to see the manager of TMCC! I had stopped my vehicle at the entrance, to take pictures of the beautiful gate. He approached me, & I simply told him I was taking pics. THAT'S IT. Now, he claimed he directed me to see the manager -- TOTAL FABRICATON (Lie). In order, to cast me as someone who DIDN'T obey the rules

He also mentioned about permission to take pictures. In the sign ("guidelines for visitor behavior), there is NOTHING that mentions permission required for photography! See below:

This seems to be a clear case of Favoritism/Discrimination, where the female complainer (against ME) was BELIEVED.

[ like I say, the "anonymous complaint" system is open-to-Abuse -- it allows trouble-makers to fabricate LIES against whoever! ]

Then, the assaulter was FOOLISH enought to make ME the Targeted Individual (TI), which explains his

Loud/Obnoxious behavior towards me, *including* ASSAULT!

Plus, he further added FABRICATION (LIE) to falsely incriminate me

[ saying he approached me at the entrance, & told me to "see the Manager" -- that was NEVER said to me! ]

This WHOLE THING just reeks of Amateur-Hour by TMCC, which ALLOWED ITSELF to be *manipulated* by a (female) trouble-maker!


The volunteer (non-employee, who is NOT professionally-trained) needs to be FIRED .. ASAP. He was acting like a Thug..GOON!

Plus, that monk needs to be *reprimanded* by TMCC, maybe even FIRED as well! He *tolerated* that thug volunteer clearly ASSAULTING me. He NEVER admonished him for his violent behavior, even afterwards!

Needless to say, this whole thing has opened up TMCC to some SERIOUS *liability* issues -- i.e. GETTING SUED!

"There are some Real Hustlers out there, they DESERVE TO BE SUED!"
-- woman from (elite) Palos Verdes/CA

Steven Stewart (IFA "Indiana Forest Alliance") invited me to TMCC for Thursday (June 12) morning tour

Steven Stewart (IFA "Indiana Forest Alliance") arranged for a morning tour at TMCC (Tibetan Mongolian Cultural Center), on June 12 (Thursday). We decided to meet at 9am, see below text

See below for our meeting at TMCC parking lot, then pics of our tour:

Afterwards, Steven & I headed to Siam (Thai restaurant in Bloomington) to meet with another IFA member (Dex Conaway, State of Indiana Director)

We discussed potential Collaborative/Cooperative projects involving IFA:

1) STEM Outreach
highlighting Forest Environment/Ecology/Hydrology preservation)

2) "Data Analytics" using high-multitude sensor-arrays
reporting Terabytes of data to IFA home-base, whereupon it is uploaded en-masse (via high-speed Web/Internet) to the Cloud. Where main-frame supercomputers (GPU-cluster architecture) are used to "search for strategies", towards Environment/Ecology/Hydrology preservation strategies (near/middle/long term)

^^^ It would parallel the "Data Analytics" model used in Formula 1 (#1 sport in the world, by popularity) -- in "search for Speed":
Formula 1 "Data Analytics" -- search for SPEED


Steven & Jeff (IFA  "Indiana Forest Alliance" Federal Director & Executive Director) were in touch with me for

Steven Stewart (IFA "Indiana Forest Alliance") & I were in touch for the April 8/2024 solar eclipse. He had arranged a Simons Foundation funded eclipse event at TMCC

Steven did OUTSTANDING job of trying to accomadate my request for

Indiana based eclipse observation site

along with Jeff (IFA "Executive Director"), who offered his horse farm. Latter called me up with directions, while I was travelling in Missouri (on my way to southern IL, possibly extending to IN)

As it turned out, due to extreme sleep deprivation, I settled into Matt Payne's southern IL (Goreville) farm

I sent a grateful "Thank You to Steven & Jeff, for their generous/outstanding efforts for me..

Here are my solar eclipse results from Goreville/IL

ASSAULT on me by *unidentified* male (khaki fatigues, hat)

I was asssaulted by this *un-identified* male -- khaki fatigues w/hat

I REPEATEDLY asked for his name, employee ID #, reason for his harassment (aggressive nature)

In order, to file a formal *written* complaint to TMCC

I had no resort but to get PICTURE of him, so he could be *identified* by TMCC staff. Then, I file a written complaint with this picture.

He IMMEDIATELY *attacked* me, grabbing my left fore-arm! This was WITNESSED by the monk (TMCC operations), who did NOT intervene & try to stop his volunteer (NOT employee) from this assault! I.e., he was an *accessory* to this assault

Afterwards, this *un-identified* assaulter got RIGHT IN MY FACE, shouting at me:


when I told him "You ASSAULTED me!". This continued on-and-on, NEVER was able to get his name. Nor, did the monk step-in & give me his name!

He later SHOUTED at me *repeatedly*

"if you take my picture again, I WILL BREAK YOUR ARM!"

^^^ I was TRULY scared of this guy. He needs to be FIRED IMMEDIATELY by TMCC

Plus, taken to jail by Monroe County Sheriff Dept. The monk was a WITNESS to him ASSAULTING me, my photo is pretty incriminating -- he was LUNGING at me!

Plus, the surveillance videos will reveal the ugly details of the ASSAULT.

Finally, Marty Belcher (Gift Shop cashier) came out, who I had be-friended. We had long/rich discussion, incl 2 video interviews. Marty had given me a bottle of water, when I said I was thirsty. Also, he gave me a book "Gaia"

 after I had mentioned my project with IFA (Indiana Forest Alliance):

Steven Stewart (IFA "Federal Director")

Just like that, Marty "spurned me" (didn't support me), after the *unidentifed* male ASSAULTED me!

I.e., a COVER UP!

^^^ Marty is on the left, next to his Toyota Prius. The *unidentified* assaulter is walking towards Marty, planning the "cover up"

TMCC: after assault -- Assaulter, Marty Belcher (silver Toyota Prius), monk (TMCC operations)

After asssault, the assaulter (TMCC volunteer, wearing hat & in Khaki fatigues) continued to talk to monk (TMCC Operations). The monk showed no sign of remorse, for his volunteer's ASSAULT on me!

Now, the gift shop cashier (Marty Belcher) came out, got into Toyota Prius. When I mentioned assault to Marty, he "brushed me off"

Strange, since Marty & I had good lengthy conversation, I even have 2 video interviews w/him. It seems as if "tribalism" (aka Politics) has intervened, & ASSAULT on me is being COVERED UP!!

^^^ the monk did NOT seem to be upset at the volunteer's ASSAULT on me!

SERIOUSLY..a peace-loving monk tolerates a violent Thug/Punk volunteer??